Custom home page
Any page on your site can be set as the home page. To do this, go to the Admin Panel > Admin Home > More Options > Re-order nav tab:
Mouse-over any page and look for the a small document icon, and click on this.

In the pop-up window, check Make home page, and you can also check Hide link from navigation if you wish, and click Save.
Home page menu grid
To create a grid of images on the home page, each linking to a gallery, you can try the following:
- Create a new nested links page, and name this something like Art and set it to Viewable to All .
- Create the galleries you want, and drag these into the nested links page.
- Upload default images to represent the galleries on the nested links page
- Set the Advanced > Nested links page layout to Grid.
- Make the nested links page your custom home page, as described above.
Display the nested galleries on the main navigation
You may wish to have the galleries also linked on the main site navigation. To do this, try the following:
- Your main site navigation position must be set to the left of the site.
- At the bottom of the Admin Panel > Admin Home > More Options > Re-order Nav, check Display navigation links as tree, check the List option below.
- Click Save Changes at the bottom