Adding sections
Text pages can include multiple sections for more complex layouts, for example:

Add a new section like so:
In the Admin Panel > Text page (any one) > click Add section... and select the new type of section you want.

You can add the following section types:
Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.
Section layout
The layout of the sections on the page can be at the top of the page:

Click on these layout suggestion icons to change the settings below.
Sections per row
Sections can be displayed in a fixed number of sections-per-row, or they an automatically wrap down the page.
- Set: this allows you to set the number of sections per row. These will not wrap to fit the screen, unless on a mobile device.
- Auto: this displays the sections in a rows that fit screen width (recommended).
Standardize section width
This allows you to make all the sections on the page the same width, or different widths.
- No: this allows you to set each section width in the Options menu of that section.
- Yes: this sets all the section widths at once.
Set section width
When Standardize section width is set to No, you can adjust the per section width like so:
Click Options

Click Width...

Set the Width in pixels

Reordering sections
Click on the Reorder sections link, and then drag and drop to the new order. Then click Save Changes.
Deleting sections
Each section can be deleted in the Options menu of that section.