Bibliography page

The bibliography page displays an organized list of information about your work.  You can share articles as PDFs, images, text pages, and web links.  This can appear like so:

Create a new bibliography item like so:
  • At the bottom of the bibliography page in the Admin Panel, check Yes next to Create New Bibliography Item.

  • Click Save Changes at the bottom.
  • A new bibliography entry should appear like so:

  • Check a Category option for the bibliography entry.

  • Enter your text.
  • To upload an image, PDF, or text page or add a website link, click the Edit supplemental info... link.

You can also upload a custom icon to replace the default icon.

This can look like so:


Bibliography preferences

The default bibliography categories are:
  • Books and Catalogs
  • Selected Website Listings
  • Articles and Reviews

However, this can be changed at the top of the bibliography page:

Reorder bibliography items
  • Click on the Current Bibliography Items > Reorder link
  • Drag and drop to reorder
  • Click Save Changes at the bottom
Can I delete the bibliography page?
No, it can only be set to Hidden in the Admin Panel.